Monday 9 November 2015

English Assignment

Write an assignment on Developing Effective Communication : About 2 pages

Friday 6 November 2015

DLD Assignment # 2

Chapter 2:

Questions : 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9, 2.10 , 2.12, 2.13, 2.14

Submission Deadline : 13th Nov , 2015

Monday 2 November 2015

Data Structure Lec 4

Data Structure Lec 4

Download the Slides of Lec 4 of Data Structure by going on above mentioned hyperlink

Sunday 1 November 2015

Web Assignment # 4

This is Rough Draft of Web Assignment # 4 . U have to make like this with CSS and DreamWeaver .
Send me this assignment lasted by 2200 hrs tonight at

NOTE: No late assignment will be considered in any case

Monday 26 October 2015

Monday 19 October 2015

ElectroMagnetism Course Outline and Assignment Details

The University Of Lahore
(Islamabad Campus)
School of Information and Technology      (2015/2016)

            Course Instructor: Dr.Athar Naeem
            Course Title: Electricity and Magnetism
Course Outline: Electricity & Magnetism

Text Book : Fundamentals of Physics ( 7th Edition) , By Halliday / Resnick / Walker
Week #
System of Units , Electric Charge , Charge is Quantized and Conserved. Conductors and Insulators , Introduction to Coulomb’s Law, related examples
The Electric Fields, The Electric Field Lines, To Calculate Electric Field Due to a Point Charge/ an Electric Dipole / Line of Charge, related examples.
Electric Field Due to a Charged Disk , A point Charge in an Electric Field, A Dipole in an Electric Field, Flux of an Electric Field, Introduction to Gauss’ Law , Related Examples
Gauss’ Law and Coulomb’s Law, A charged Isolated conductors, Application of Gauss’ Law : Cylindrical Symmetry , Related Examples
Applying Gauss’ Law : Planar Symmetry . Spherical Symmetry , Related Examples.
Introduction to Electric Potential , Electric Potential Energy , Related Examples.
Work Done by an Applied Force, Equipotential Surface , Calculating the Potential from the Field, Potential Due to a Point Charge/Group of Point Charges , Related Examples.
Potential Due to an Electric Dipole , Potential Due to different continuous charge Distributions, Calculating the Electric Field from the Potential, Potential Energy
Capacitance, Calculating the Capacitance, Capacitors in Series and Parallel, Capacitor with a Dielectric Material, Energy Stored in an Electric Field , Related Examples
Current & Resistance: Electric Current, Current Density, Resistance and Resistivity , Resistance in Parallel & Series, Ohm’s Law , Power in Electric Circuits , Related Examples.
Single and Multi-Loop Circuits , Works, Energy , and EMF , Calculating Current in Single & Multi-loop Circuits, Potential Difference between Two Points , Related Examples
Magnetic Fields: The Hall Effect, A circulating Charged Particle, Magnetic Force on a moving charge/ on a Current Carrying Wire, Torque on  Current Loop, Related Examples
The Magnetic Dipole Moment , Magnetic Field Due to a Current , Force between two Parallel Currents, Ampere’s Law, Solenoid and Toroid , Related Examples
A Current Currying Coils as A Magnet Dipole, Induction and Inductance, Faraday’s Law of Induction , Len’s Law , Induction and Energy Transfers , Induced Electric Fields.
Inductors and Inductance , Self Induction, RL Circuits , Energy Stored in a magnetic Field , Energy Density of Magnetic Field and Related Examples
Review and Summary : Problem Solving
Review and Summary : Problem Solving


The University of Lahore
(Islamabad Campus)
School of Information and Technology      (2015/2016)

            Course Instructor: Dr.Athar Naeem
            Course Title: Electricity and Magnetism

Assignment #
Chapter #’s
Problem #’s

Friday 16 October 2015

Web Progrmming Assignment

Tomorrow is last day for submission of web programming . Kindly email me your assignment Asap @

Communication Skill Lec 3

Communication Skill Lec 3

Download lec 3 by going on above mentioned hyperlink

DLD Assignment # 1

DLD Assignment # 1

Question # 1 Add and Multiply the following numbers in the given base without converting to decimal:
  1. (1230)4 and (23)4
  2. (135.4)6 and (43.2)6
  3. (367)8 and (715)8
  4. (296)12 and (57)12
Question # 2 Convert the decimal number 250.5 to base 3 , base 4 , base 7 , base 8 and base 16.

Question # 3 Convert the following binary numbers to decimal :
  1. 10.10001
  2. 101110.0101
  3. 1110101.110
  4. 1101101.111
Question # 4 : Convert the following numbers from the given base to the bases indicated
  1. Octal 623.77 to decimal , binary and hexadecimal 
  2. HexaDecimal 2AC5.D to decimal , octal and binary .

Question # 5 : Convert the following numbers to decimal :
  1. (1001001.011)2
  2. (8.3)9
  3. (198)12
Question # 6 : Obtain the 1's and 2's complement of the following binary numbers : 
  1. 1010101
  2. 0111000
  3. 0000001
  4. 10000
  5. 00000
Question # 7 : Obtain the 9's and 10's complement f the following decimal numbers :
  1. 13579
  2. 09900
  3. 90090
  4. 10000
  5. 00000

Submission Deadline : Oct 21 , 2015

Monday 12 October 2015

Friday 9 October 2015

Urgent Notice

From now onwards no student is allowed to present his/her case in front of HOD or Director directely . All of the cases will be takes to higher authorities via proper channel i.e (CR-Admin-Course Coord-HOD) . Hoping that you all will abide by newely legislated rule .

Web Programming Assignment #1

Make a webpage regarding any product containing:
Welcome Note ( in marquee)

Bring both html and .txt files along with you in class on Monday

Sunday 4 October 2015

Semester 3

Hoping you all will be fine . Regular semester will start from 5th Oct , 2015 (Monday)

Saturday 30 May 2015

Thursday 28 May 2015

Date Sheet of Finals

Date sheet of Final Examination BSCS - II

09 06 2015       Tuesday       PROBABILITY AND STATISTIC       2:30 4:30

11 06 2015       Thursday      Tech & Report Writing     10:00 -12:00

15 06 2015    Monday    Discrete Structure.         2:30 - 4:30

16 06 2015.     Tuesday   Multi Variate Calculus.  10:00 - 12:00

17 06-2015.    Wesnesday    OOP.    2:30 - 4:30

Saturday 23 May 2015

Lec 9 and 10 of OOP

Lecture can be downloaded by downloading following hyperlink :

Definitions - Lec 9

Programming Task Lec 9

Lec 10 - Object Classes

Lec 10 - Pointers

NOTE : OOP Class on 30th May, 2015 will be from 9:00 am to 03:30 pm 

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Lectures of OOP

Following lecture can be downloaded by clicking on Hyperlinks Below:

Lecture 6 OOP

Lecture 7 OOP

Lecture 7 Structures

Lecture 8 OOP

Lecture 8 Functions

Lecture 8 Tasks

English Graded Assignment # 3

Q#1 : Define Bad News . Explain Direct and Indirect Plan?

Q#2 : What is AIDA in persuasive message ? Explain With Examples.

Q#3 : Define Informational Memorandum reports with suitable examples?

Q#4: Explain letter reports - Informational and Analytical

Saturday 16 May 2015

OOP Lecture 16th May 2015

Program 1 :

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int max(int, int); // Function Decleration

int main()
int num1, num2, answer;
int c;


cout << "Enter the First number :";

cin >> num1;

cout << "Enter the second number :";
cin >> num2;

answer = max(num1, num2); // Function Call

cout << "The Answer is =" << answer << endl;
cout << "Do You want to Continue ? (1/0) :";

cin >> c;

} while (c == 1);

return 0;


int max(int num1, int num2) // Function Defination
int result;
if (num1 > num2)

result = num1;

result = num2;

return result;


Program 2:


using namespace std;

struct height
int feet, inches;

int main()

height ff_1;
height fi_1;
height ff_2;
height fi_2;
height ft;
height it;

cout << "Enter the Measurments of Floor 1 in ft :" << endl;
cin >> ff_1.feet;

cout << "Enter the Measurments of Floor 1 in inches :" << endl;
cin >> fi_1.inches;

cout << "Enter the Measurments of Floor 2 in ft :" << endl;
cin >> ff_2.feet;

cout << "Enter the Measurments of Floor 2 in inches :" << endl;
cin >> fi_2.inches;

ft.feet = ff_1.feet + ff_2.feet;

it.inches = fi_1.inches + fi_2.inches;

if (it.inches >= 12)

it.inches -= 12;


cout << "Height of Both floors is  :" << ft.feet << "`" << "-" << it.inches << "``" <<endl;


return 0;


Tuesday 28 April 2015

OOP Mid Term Pattern

Following is the pattern of OOP Exam tomorrow @ 2:30 PM

Question # 1 : Theoretical Question.

Question # 2 : Define Terms ?  (Definitions)

Question # 3 : Theoretical Question.

Question # 4 : Write output of 4 Programs

Question # 5 : Writing of Program in C++

Question # 6: Write a Program using Do While

Question # 7: Write a Program using While Loop

Question # 8 : Write a Program using For Loop.

Good Luck

Sunday 26 April 2015

Last semester Discrete Paper

This is last semester's discrete paper . I thought i might also help you in tomorrow's paper

Friday 24 April 2015

Change in Datesheet

According to new datesheet Paper of Probability and Statistic will now held on Sunday 26th April, 2015.
Rest of the datesheet will remain unchanged.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Mid-Term Examination Syllabus

Discrete Structure Chapter # 1, 2,4

Calculus Ex 12.2, 12. 3, 12.4, 14. 2, 14.3, 14.4 , 14.5 ,14.6

Technical And Report Writing Chap# 1,2,6,7,8

Probabitly and Statistic Chapter # 1,2,3  Chapter 4 uptil  Ex4.4

Object Oriented Programming Chapter 1,2,4

Mid Term Datesheet

21 April  Tuesday 02:30 - 04:30 Probability and Statistic
23 April Thursday 10:30 - 12:00 Technical and Report Writing
27 April Monday 02:30 - 04:30 Discrete Structure
28 April Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00 MultiVariate Calculus
29 April Wednesday 02:30 - 04:30 OOP

Salybus will be uploaded soon

Sunday 12 April 2015

Assignment # 3

Click on Above hyperlink to download Assignment.

Submission Date: 18 April 2015

Important: Please submit softcopy of the assignment through email at . There is a Quiz on 18th of April in the class. The quiz is based on the questions in the assignment.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Mid Term Examination has been postponed due to Trip . New Date Sheet will be Uploaded soon

Sunday 5 April 2015


14-04-2014   Tuesday       Probability and Statistic
16-04-2014   Thursday     Technical and Report Writing.
17-04-2015    Friday         Object Oriented Programming.
20-04-2015    Monday      Discrete Structure.
21-04-2015    Tuesday      Multi Variate

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Discrete Mathematics Assignment

Ex 3.1   Q # 32,36,37
Ex 3.2   Q # 6,24
Ex 3.3   Q # 11

Probability and Stats Assignment

Chapter # 3

Exercise Question # 1,2,3,4,6

To be submitted on Thurs 2nd April.

Monday 30 March 2015

English Assignment

Assignment # 1

Submission Date : April 3rd , 2015

Question #  1: Define Communication. Explain impact of communication at global level.

Question # 2 : Define Communication . Explain the importance and benefits of effective communication?

Question # 3: What are the components of communication. Explain them all?

Question # 4 : What are the concepts and problems of communication . Discuss them in length .

Question # 5 : Explain and Discuss Non Verbal Communication with suitable examples .

Question # 6 : List 7 C's of Effective Communication . Explain them all.

Note : Each Question should be of al least 6 pages and It should be hand written

Thursday 26 March 2015

Questions and Answers of OOP Assignment

SUBMISSION DATE : 28th March , 2015

NOTE : Assignment should be hand written.

Questions of OOP Assignment:

1. Dividing a program into functions
a. is the key to object-oriented programming.
b. makes the program easier to conceptualize.
c. may reduce the size of the program.
d. makes the program run faster.

2. A function name must be followed by ________.

3. A function body is delimited by ________.

4. Why is the main() function special?

5. A C++ instruction that tells the computer to do something is called a ________.

6. Write an example of a normal C++ comment and an example of an old-fashioned /* comment.

7. An expression
a. usually evaluates to a numerical value.
b. indicates the emotional state of the program.
c. always occurs outside a function.
d. may be part of a statement.

8. Specify how many bytes are occupied by the following data types in a 32-bit system:
a. Type int
b. Type long double
c. Type float
d. Type long

9. True or false:
A variable of type char can hold the value 301.

10. What kind of program elements are the following?
 a. 12
b. ‘a’
c. 4.28915
d. JungleJim
e. JungleJim()

11. Write statements that display on the screen
a. the character ‘x’
b. the name Jim
c. the number 509

12. True or false:
In an assignment statement, the value on the left of the equal sign is always equal to the value on the right.

13. Write a statement that displays the variable george in a field 10 characters wide.

14. What header file must you #include with your source file to use cout and cin?

15. Write a statement that gets a numerical value from the keyboard and places it in the variable temp.

16. What header file must you #include with your program to use setw?

17. Two exceptions to the rule that the compiler ignores whitespace are ________ and ________.

18. True or false: It’s perfectly all right to use variables of different data types in the same arithmetic expression.

19. The expression 11%3 evaluates to ________.

20. An arithmetic assignment operator combines the effect of what two operators?

21. Write a statement that uses an arithmetic assignment operator to increase the value of the variable temp by

23. Write the same statement without the arithmetic assignment operator.

22. The increment operator increases the value of a variable by how much?

23. Assuming var1 starts with the value 20, what will the following code fragment print out? cout << var1--; cout << ++var1;

24. In the examples we’ve seen so far, header files have been used for what purpose?

25. The actual code for library functions is contained in a ________ file.

Answers to the Questions 

1. b, c

2. parentheses

3. braces { }

4. It’s the first function executed when the program starts

5. statement

6. // this is a comment /* this is a comment */

7. a, d

a. 4
b. 10
c. 4
d. 4

9. false

a. integer constant
b. character constant
c. floating-point constant
d. variable name or identifier
e. function name

a. cout << ‘x’;
b. cout << “Jim”;
c. cout << 509;

12. false; they’re not equal until the statement is executed

13. cout << setw(10) << george;


15. cin >> temp;


17. string constants, preprocessor directives

18. true

19. 2

20. assignment (=) and arithmetic (like + and *)

21. temp += 23; temp = temp + 23;

22. 1

23. 2020

24. to provide declarations and other data for library functions, overloaded operators, and objects

25. library

Saturday 14 March 2015

Thursday 12 March 2015

Assignment of OOP

OOP Assignment

Click on above mentioned hyperlink to download Assignment.

Quiz will held on 14th March. Syllabus is Page 31 to 41 of Book

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Discrete Assignment

Excersice 2.2 : Question # 20.

Excersice 2.3 : Question # 10 , 37 , 43 , 44.

Excersice 2.4 : Question 20 , 24 , 26.

Note: These Question are according to Edition 4 

Discrete Structure Solution

Discrete Structure Solution

Solution of Edition 4 can be downloaded by clicking on above hyperlink . Previously uploaded is detailed explanation of book .

Lecture 2 of OPP

OPP Lecture 2

Click on above mentioned hyperlink to download assignment. 

Submission Deadline is 14 March , Saturday.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Lec 2 of OOP

Doc given by Sir in OPP lecture can be downloaded by clicking on hyperlink below

OPP Lecture

Saturday 28 February 2015

Discrete Book

Discrete Mathematic with Application

Click on hyperlink to download book

OOP Assignment


Course: Object Oriented Programming

Submission Date: 07 March 2015

Why we need Objected-Oriented Programming while Procedural programming paradigm is in place for decades?
What are the limitations in procedural programming approach?
How does object-oriented programming approach solves the limitations of procedural languages?
What are the main characteristics of object-oriented programming approach?

OOP Lec # 1

Lecture # 01
A programming language paradigm is the systems of ideas that have been used to guide the design of programming languages. These paradigms are realised to a greater or lesser extent in various computer languages, although the design of a given language may reflect the influence of more than one paradigm.
Imperative: The language provides statements, such as assignment statements , which explicitly change the state of the memory of the computer.
Functional: In this paradigm we express computations as the evaluation of mathematical functions.
Logic: In this paradigm we express computation in exclusively in terms of mathematical logic
Object-Oriented: In this paradigm we associate behaviour with data-structures called " objects " which belong to classes which are usually structured into a hierarchy.

Most practical imperative, functional and object-oriented languages embody features of more than one paradigm.

Functional Paradigm:
In this we emphasise the idea of computation as being about evaluating mathematical functions combined in expressions . While all languages try to provide a representation of basic functions like addition, functional languages support a functional way of expressing computations on large and complex structures. In a pure functional language a mathematical identity like:
         fred(x) + fred(x) = 2*fred(x)

Imperative Design:

Languages which reflect this paradigm recognise the fact computers have re-usable memory that can change state. So they are characterised by statements, which affect the state of the machine, for example.
 x := x+1

Logic Paradigm:
While the functional paradigm emphasises the idea of a mathematical function, the logic paradigm focusses on predicate logic, in which the basic concept is a relation. Logic languages are useful for expressing problems where it is not obvious what the functions should be. Thus, for example where people are concerned, it is natural to use relations.
Object Oriented Paradigm:
The Object Oriented paradigm (often written O-O) focusses on the objects that a program is representing, and on allowing them to exhibit "behaviour"

Procedural Languages:
Computer program size:
1970s and 1980s
Mathematical modeling
Modeling for computer programming

Object Oriented Programming Book

OOP Book

Click on above hyperlink to download book

Friday 27 February 2015

Assignment of Probability and Statistic

Assignment of Stats

Click on above Hyperlink to download Assignment

To view completely you should download it.

Friday 13 February 2015

Thursday 22 January 2015

Sunday 18 January 2015

English Course Outline for Final Examination

  1. Parts of Speech.
  2. Communication Skills.
  3. Strategies for Improving Oral Presentation.
  4. Strategies for Improving Listening Skills.
  5. Strategies for Reducing Stage Fright.
  6. Essay Writing.
  7. Grammar.
  8. Phonetics and Phonology.
  9. Meeting ( Purpose and its Kinds).
  10. Presentation Method.
  11. Idioms.
  12. Pair of Words.
  13. Approaches to Language.
  14. Conditional Sentences.

Programs of Programming Fundamental

Programs of Programming Fundamental

Click on above hyperlink to download programs.

ITC Slides

Slides of ITC

Click on above hyperlink and download slides

Saturday 17 January 2015

Course Outline of Pak Studies.

Chapter 2 :

Ideology of Pakistan

Historical Perspective

  1.  Advent of Islam.
  2.  Muslim Sanints and Spread of Islam.
  3.  Cultural, Social, Political and Religious Impact of Islam in Sub Continent.
  4.  The Bhagti Movement.
  5.  Sheikh Ahmed Sarhindi.
    • Introduction
    • Service
    • Significance of his work.
     6.    Shah Wali Ullah.
    • Introduction
    • Service
    • Significance of his achievement.
     7.    Jihad Movement / Syed Ahmed Shaheed.
     8.    Faraizi Movement (Intro and Causes).
     9.    War of Independence 1857.
     10.  Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.
     11.  Deoband Movement.
     12.  Nudwat-ul-Ulema.
     13.  Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam.
     14.  Sind Madrasah Karachi.
     15.  Mughal Empire or the policies of Mughal emperor Akbar in impact in Indian Political & Social cultural dynamics.

Saturday 10 January 2015

University Re-Opening

This is officially to inform you that university will be resume on 12-Jan-2015 Monday

Friday 2 January 2015

Assignment for English and Pak Studies


Functional English:

Plz make assignments on following topics:

Note: There should be no plagiarism . Each topic must be at least of 150 words.These are seperate topics.

  1. Meeting (Purpose and Kinds of Meeting)
  2. Role of Translation in International Context
  3. Effective Reading Skills
  4. Phonetics and Phonology
  5. Approaches to Language ( Grammar Translation methods , Direct Method , Audio-Lingual Method and Communicative Report. )
Note : Its should be submitted in hard copy . 

Pak Studies :

Religious, Social , Culture
  1. Impact of Islam on Indian Society
  2. Mujadid Alf Sani
  3. Shah Wali Ullah
  4. Syed Ahmed Shaheed
  5. Alighar Movment

Assignment for Fundamental of Programming

Assignment for Fundamental of Programming 

Reference book : Let Us See 

It can be hand written or it might be in printed form as you like.

Assignment No: 1 
Logical Operator used in nested if Statement. 

Assignment No: 2 
Various types of LOOP, different situation in which we use these LOOP. 

Assignment No: 3 
C Header file, Built in function and User define function in C 

Assignment No: 4 
Feature of C Pre-processor, Macro Expansion in C 

Assignment No: 5 
C Pointer and Array, Passing entire array to function