Wednesday 13 April 2016

Outline of Operating System Paper

Total Questions 5
2 x Questions from Scheduling Algorithms
Rest of the questions will be from Excersice
No objective/MCQs
Chapter : 1,2,4

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Assignment of Differential Equation

Submission Date :15th April,2016 Friday

Questions for Introduction to Software Engg Mid Terms

Questions 1: 7PPPR

Question 2: Planning W5HH

  • LOC
  • FPV

Question 3: Risk Managment

  • Identification
  • Analysis(Probability , Effects)
  • Planning
  • Monitoring

Question 4 : Use Case

  • SSD

Question # 5 : Architectural Design

  • Style
  • Architectural Step
  • ACD(Architectural Content Design)

Note : Question will be froms this content . 

Sunday 10 April 2016

Text Books For Semester 4

Text Books For Semester - 4

Operating System:

  1. Operating Systems & Networks by IT Series 5th Edition

Computer Arch & Assembly Language:

  1. Computer Organization & Architecture by William Stallings 8th Edition
  2. Modern Computer Architecture by Rafiquzzaman

Differential Equation :

  1. Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Howard Anton 8th Edition

Introduction to Database :

  1. Database Management System by IT Series 3rd Edition

Introduction to Software Engineering :

  1. Introduction to Software Engineering by Roger Pressman 7th Edition 

Intro To Software Slides + PDF



Arch Designing

Project Managnemt

Be Analytical

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

You can download above files by clicking on above mentioned hyperlink

Sunday 3 April 2016